Monday, July 21, 2008

Sharing of happiness

In response to my article "Out of Town" posted yesterday, my friend wrote me the following:

"I cannot wait to let you know, I want to write you this note right away. As I read your article, I feel your joy, I feel the warmth in your family, I could hear the laughter and sounds of the children, and above all I feel happy. Happiness has entered my blood, giving me a peaceful and serene sensation.

I do not know what this is, and how this has happened. But, I’m not going to use my brain on this phenomenon…. all I want is to feel and observe it with my heart.

Thanks for sharing your happiness … enjoy !"

My reply:

I am so glad that my friend can share my happiness.

In Chan, we named the sharing as "the transmission between two minds." (以心叩心)

My friend shared my happiness, this reaction in turns brought me joy as well. In Buddhist term, this is how the transfer/expansion of merits (dedication) works.

I wish there are more of us who can pass around joy and merits, thus the Land of Ulmost Joy can be realized sooner.

Lung Zhi

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