Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Erin and I

I have known Erin for more or less three years. We have a common bondage, our love for Huayen.

We both benefit from the Huayen Dharma very much that we are willing to practice Huayen assiduously and enthusiastically. Moreover we like to share the gain we derived from the Huayen learning to other people by spreading the Huayen Dharma.

First and foremost we have to be a good practitioner ourselves- that is what we believe deep down inside. Then we need to conglomerate a group of colleagues with the same vision. The building of a solid foundation with good people and infrastructure is very important. We are both working in that direction gradually and in our own pace. The progress is painfully slow and full of obstructions. Maybe this is the fun part too…

What tied us especially close together is our frank and straightforward character.

Erin, thank you for acting as my big sister when I am feeble, for holding onto our dreams together and for offering your house as my inn.

(July, 22, 2008)

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