Saturday, April 25, 2009

U of T seminar - May 9th 2009

In case you are interested:

The Gitche M'Qua Centre presents:

Mindful Caring: Lessons from Compassion, Neuroscience and Selflessness

May 9th, 2009, 1:30-5:30pm Multifaith Centre, 569 Spadina Ave, U of T

Joan Halifax, Roshi, PhD

$100; Student rates and scholarships available

In this afternoon Joan Halifax, PhD, will share recent scientific findings that reveal what is happening in the minds of those cultivating compassion. By exploring fundamental practices that develop compassion, we investigate how these and other positive qualities give us resilience and may help prevent burnout, so prevalent within caregiving professions. Important new studies in neuroscience are exploring the connection between the brain and compassion, empathy, altruism and other unselfish mental qualities. These studies are giving scientific credence to the fact that compassion and other positive mental states can be intentionally cultivated, and as well these wholesome states of mind seem to effect physical and mental well being. Scientists are also studying the ways in which people can train and change their brains through meditation practices.

This program will explore: what happens in the minds of those who have a great capacity for compassion; recent neuroscience research on compassion and empathy; how compassion effects our mental and physical health; how compassion and attention can be trained and strengthened; the role of relationship-based contemplative interventions in mental well-being and resilience; the application of meditation in care of the dying, work in prisons, and in addressing burnout and secondary trauma; and fundamental practices that cultivate empathy and compassion.

Roshi Joan Halifax, who works closely with the Mind and Life Institute, brings her years of experience with the application of meditation in end-of-life care, work in the prison system, and in medical settings. She is Head Teacher at Upaya Zen Center and Director of the Upaya Institute. Her latest book, "Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death," has been critically acclaimed.

A Booksigning of her latest book with follow.

To register:

Contact us: 416-651-1846


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