Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wherever you go, there you are

From Miles:

Nice blog. I look forward to seeing much more of your writing there. Your comments on travel are most enlightening and I can't help but agree.
To see all the beauty in the world we need look no further than that which is immediately present in our own minds.

As William Blake said,
"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and to see heaven in a wild flower.
To hold infinity in the palm of your hands,
and eternity in an hour".
Or as the wit said: "Wherever you go, there you are."


"When we see truly, there is nothing at all.
There is no person; there is no Buddha.
Innumerable things of the universe
Are just bubbles on the sea.
Wise sages are all like flashes of lightning."
-Yoka Genkaku (665-713 CE), Shodoka

So, too, our troubles, all of our trials and tribulations can be viewed as merely "bubbles on the sea".

Thank you for sharing all of your Dharma wisdom with us.

Your indomitable spirit will continue to find new and innovative ways to express its Buddha-nature.

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