Friday, May 30, 2008

Being Nice

People perform nice or wholesome deeds for many different reasons or aspirations.

Some of the aspirations are:
  1. Afraid of the karma.
  2. Like the rewards of the good deeds.
  3. Out of the desire to gain fame and power.
  4. Moral or social norms.
  5. Taught to be so.
  6. Fooling oneself-” I am a good person as I do good deeds”

Due to the differences in aspirations, performing the same wholesome act by different persons will bring totally diverse effects or results.

The best scenario is that a person is nice out of his nature or heart with no impurity.

Through practice, we try to filter out the unwholesome elements in our characters and habitual tendencies so that our mind, speech and body are pure. Only when we are nice out of our nature will our actions be true wholesome deeds.


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