Wednesday, July 29, 2009
1 day meditation on Aug 1st by DDMBA
Dear Dharma Friends,
This Saturday (the first Saturday of the month) DDMBA Ontario invites you to the 1-Day Meditation Retreat.
Date: Saturday, August 1st, 2009
Time: 9:30am to 4:30pm
Location: DDMBA Ontario, 154 Poyntz Avenue, Toronto M2N 1J4
This form of practice is very beneficial for everyone; it gives us the chance to practice with a group over a longer period of time, however some familiarity with meditation methods might be helpful.
Sitting meditation periods are followed by walking meditation, gentle stretching exercises and mindful work periods. There is also evening service and prostration period.
The environment of the retreat is designed to promote mindfulness in everything we do. For the full benefits from this form of group practice it is the best to attend the entire event. Towels, mats, and cushions will be provided at the event. Be sure to wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Vegetarian lunch is provided by our volunteers. The event is free of charge but please let us know if you plan to attend.
With Palms Joined,
DDMBA Ontario
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ganden Jangtse Tibetan Buddhist Monastery Tour Toronto Update
Ganden Jangtse Tibetan Buddhist Monastery Tour Toronto Update
Chernrezig Sand Mandala construction
Mon. July 27
Viewing of completed Mandala
Wed. July 29th
Dismantling Ceremony
Heritage Room
Metropolitan United Church
(56 Queen St. East at Church St)
All are welcome!
Donations for monastery & for venue fee accepted.
About the monks' tour and Mandalas:
"The Ganden Jangtse monastic college is a sub-school of Ganden Tibetan Buddhist Monastery located originally in Tibet and now operational in exile in Mundgod, Karnataka, South India. Ganden Monastery was founded in 1409 by Lama Tsong Khapa (a hugely influential Tibetan scholar-monk who founded the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, author of the great Lam-Rim Chenmo text and Root Guru of His Holiness the Dalai Lama). Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in exile often send their best and brightest monks abroad to both raise awareness about Tibet, with its rich cultural and religious traditions, and Buddhism...they are available to teach about Buddhism only if requested, as the non-proselytising approach of Buddhism is to ensure not being an interference to other and already existing local religious traditions which are held in highest esteem and considered both valid and immensely beneficial. The current tour consists of 5 monks, including a Geshe, which is a fully-qualified scholar in all of the major and minor subjects in Buddhist philosophy who has trained rigorously through debate, study and meditation for 20-25 years. The mandala construction consists of a selection of the monks consecrating the space through prayer (they are deep-throat chant masters, all) and then quiet placement of coloured sand particles in a geometric and symbolic pattern that, when complete, is both a map of the cosmos and a 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional celestial palace that houses various enlightened beings. The mandala construction is a meditation for the monks, and the intention in building such a religious work is to bless the area and the beings therein with the highest happiness and the elimination of suffering. Mandala construction is often said by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to be beneficial towards bringing us closer to world peace, which is reasonable since the intention of the practitioners involved (and the lineage of their teachers which traces back to Shakyamuni Buddha Himself) is a loving and compassionate one, and the mandala itself is a design of a utopic environment full of bliss and based on the wisdom of ultimate reality. Upon its completion, the mandala is deconstructed with brushes, which dramatically shows the impermanence of all things, and the sand is collected into an urn so that it can be transported to a body of water into which it is deposited (thus blessing the living beings there as well) along with more prayers for the benefit of all beings. In keeping with being a non-sectarian/non-exclusive/universalist tradition, there are no restrictions to attendance and all events with the monks are open to everyone who is interested. May all be well and happy! Sarva mangalam."
(By Sean Hillman, former Buddhist monastic of 13 years; UofT Department of Religion [Buddhist/Tibetan/Sanskrit studies] Masters student; St. Michael's Hospital Clinical Assistant; all errors and omissions are the author's)
About the tour:
About Ganden Jangtse:
Mandala info:
For more information, contact:
Sean Hillman
-Masters student
University of Toronto
Department of Religion
(Buddhist/Tibetan/Sanskrit Studies)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Toronto Events for Ganden Jangtse Tibetan Buddhist Monastery Tour
Toronto Events for Ganden Jangtse Tibetan Buddhist Monastery Tour
"Health and Disease from the Tibetan Buddhist Perspective"
Mon. July 27
Room 3015B
St. Michael's Hospital
30 Bond St. (NE corner of Queen St. East and Victoria St.)
Session 1: 12-1pm
Session 2: 1-2pm
(sessions will be identical to accomodate staff breaks)
"Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism" 12-1pm
"Wisdom in Tibetan Buddhism" 1-2pm
Wed. July 29
JHB100 (ground floor)
University of Toronto
Department and Centre for the Study of Religion;
Jackman Humanities Building;
170 St. George Street (NE corner of Bloor)
Each session will have 10 minutes of chanting to start
and end with a 15 minutes question and answer period.
All are welcome to attend!
Donations for the monastery are accepted.
About the tour:
Ganden Jangtse Tibetan Buddhist Monastery
Sand Mandala construction
Mon. July 27- Fri. July 30
Heritage Room
Metropolitan United Church
(56 Queen St. East at Church St)
All are welcome!
Donations for monastery accepted.
"The Ganden Jangtse monastic college is a sub-school of Ganden Tibetan Buddhist Monastery located originally in Tibet and now operational in exile in Mundgod, Karnataka, South India. Ganden Monastery was founded in 1409 by Lama Tsong Khapa (a hugely influential Tibetan scholar-monk who founded the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, author of the great Lam-Rim Chenmo text and Root Guru of His Holiness the Dalai Lama). Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in exile often send their best and brightest monks abroad to both raise awareness about Tibet, with its rich cultural and religious traditions, and Buddhism...they are available to teach about Buddhism only if requested, as the non-proselytising approach of Buddhism is to ensure not being an interference to other and already existing local religious traditions which are held in highest esteem and considered both valid and immensely beneficial. The current tour consists of 5 monks, including a Geshe, which is a fully-qualified scholar in all of the major and minor subjects in Buddhist philosophy who has trained rigorously through debate, study and meditation for 20-25 years. The mandala construction consists of a selection of the monks consecrating the space through prayer (they are deep-throat chant masters, all) and then quiet placement of coloured sand particles in a geometric and symbolic pattern that, when complete, is both a map of the cosmos and a 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional celestial palace that houses various enlightened beings. The mandala construction is a meditation for the monks, and the intention in building such a religious work is to bless the area and the beings therein with the highest happiness and the elimination of suffering. Mandala construction is often said by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to be beneficial towards bringing us closer to world peace, which is reasonable since the intention of the practitioners involved (and the lineage of their teachers which traces back to Shakyamuni Buddha Himself) is a loving and compassionate one, and the mandala itself is a design of a utopic environment full of bliss and based on the wisdom of ultimate reality. Upon its completion, the mandala is deconstructed with brushes, which dramatically shows the impermanence of all things, and the sand is collected into an urn so that it can be transported to a body of water into which it is deposited (thus blessing the living beings there as well) along with more prayers for the benefit of all beings. In keeping with being a non-sectarian/non-exclusive/universalist tradition, there are no restrictions to attendance and all events with the monks are open to everyone who is interested. May all be well and happy! Sarva mangalam."
(By Sean Hillman, former Buddhist monastic of 13 years; UofT Department of Religion [Buddhist/Tibetan/Sanskrit studies] Masters student; St. Michael's Hospital Clinical Assistant; all errors and omissions are the author's)
About the tour:
About Ganden Jangtse:
Mandala info:
Picture of a mandala:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Color Test for Fun
These excerises are the things we're supposed to do to remove the cholesterol around our brain and try to slow up Alzheimer's Disease... It took me 2 times before I could finally tell this brain of mine to concentrate. A great test, do it until you get 100%!
Bet you can't get 100% on the first try! But I'm rootin' for you.
This is pretty neat! See how you do with the colors! Have fun!
It takes an average of 5 tries to get to 100%. Follow the directions!
It's harder than it seems, as it should be!
A brain waker-upper for today!
Click onto the following link:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hoax: Buddhism won "The Best Religion In The World Award"
Sharing the following email with you:
Very interesting to read this .....
Buddhism won “The Best Religion In The World” award
15 Jul 2009, Tribune de Geneve
The Geneva-based International Coalition for the Advancement of Religious and Spirituality (ICARUS) has bestowed "The Best Religion In the World" award this year on the Buddhist Community.
This special award was voted on by an international round table of more than 200 religious leaders from every part of the spiritual spectrum. It was fascinating to note that many religious leaders voted for Buddhism rather than their own religion although Buddhists actually make up a tiny minority of ICARUS membership. Here are the comments by four voting members:
Jonna Hult, Director of Research for ICARUS said "It wasn't a surprise to me that Buddhism won Best Religion in the World, because we could find literally not one single instance of a war fought in the name of Buddhism, in contrast to every other religion that seems to keep a gunin the closet just in case God makes a mistake. We were hard pressed to even find a Buddhist that had ever been in an army. These people practice what they preach to an extent we simply could not document with any other spiritual tradition."
A Catholic Priest, Father Ted O'Shaughnessy said from Belfast , "As much as I love the Catholic Church, it has always bothered me to no end that we preach love in our scripture yet then claim to know God's will when it comes to killing other humans. For that reason, I did have to cast my vote for the Buddhists."
A Muslim Cleric Tal Bin Wassad agreed from Pakistan via his translator. "While I am a devout Muslim, I can see how much anger and bloodshed is channeled into religious expression rather than dealt with on a personal level. The Buddhists have that figured out."
Bin Wassad, the ICARUS voting member for Pakistan 's Muslim community continued, "In fact, some of my best friends are Buddhist."
And Rabbi Shmuel Wasserstein said from Jerusalem, "Of course, I love Judaism, and I think it's the greatest religion in the world. But to be honest, I've been practicing Vipassana meditation every day before minyan (daily Jewish
prayer) since 1993. So I get it."
However, there was one snag - ICARUS couldn't find anyone to give the award to. All the Buddhists they called kept saying they didn't want the award.
When asked why the Burmese Buddhist community refused the award, Buddhist monk Bhante Ghurata Hanta said from Burma, "We are grateful for the acknowledgment, but we give this award to all humanity, for Buddha nature lies within each of us." Groehlichen went on to say "We're going to keep calling around until we find a Buddhist who will accept it. We'll let you know when we do."
One who lives with the Dhamma is protected by the Dhamma!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Credit card scam upon check in at hotel
You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. When checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for all the charges for your room).
You get to your room and settle in. Someone calls the front desk and asked for (example) Room 620 (which happens to be your room).
Your phone rings in your room. You answer and the person on the other end says the following, 'This is the front desk. When checking in, we came across a problem with your charge card information. Please re-read me your credit card number and verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side of your charge card. '
Not thinking anything you might give this person your information, since the call seems to come from the front desk. But actually, it is a scam of someone calling from outside the hotel/front desk. They ask for a random room number. Then, ask you for credit card information and address
information. Sounding so professional that you do think you are talking to the front desk.
If you ever encounter this problem on your vacation, tell the caller that you will be down at the front desk to clear up any problems. Then, go to the front desk and ask if there was a problem. If there was none, inform the manager of the hotel that someone called to scam you of your credit card information acting like a front desk employee.
If you feel that the tips are useful, please forward it to your relatives, friends & colleagues.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Bangkok International Airport
May or may not be true, but better be prepared than sorry...
Folks, be warned and be really careful, check the items you bought and give back what does not belong to you even when the shop assistants claimed it's 'free'. I believe the duty free shop assistants would also get a, be very, very careful. Read below:
My department secretary informed me on this. Her cousin was detained in Bangkok for stealing a box of cigarettes in a duty-free shop in Bangkok International Airport.
He had paid for chocolates and a carton of cigarettes. The cashier put a packet of smokes into his bag and he thought it was a free pack.
He was arrested for shop-lifting and the Thai Police extortion price was RM30,000 for his release. He spent two nights in jail and paid RM50 for an air-conditioned cell, 200-300 baht for each visitor, and RM11,000 for his final release.
The Police shared the money in front of his eyes. On top of that, he was charged in court and fined RM2,000 by the magistrate and handcuffed and escorted to his plane.
His passport was stamped "Thief". While there, his relatives requested help from the Malaysian Embassy and was told that they are helpless, as Malaysians are victimized similarly daily and letters and phone-calls to the Thai Authorities are ignored.
He shared a cell with a Singaporean the 1st night who paid RM60,000 for his release. The 2nd night was an Indian national who paid USD70,000.
Mind you this is not in a shag downtown Bangkok but in a duty free shop in Bangkok's International Airport.
Shared this experience with all your friends!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Things are to be used, but People are to be loved
It is true, sometimes, anger and love have no limit.
Must read...............
While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked up stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times; not realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions.......sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'.
The next day that man committed suicide. . . Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life.....
Things are to be used and people are to be loved,
But the problem in today's world is that,
People are used and things are loved...
During this year, let's be careful to keep this thought in mind: Things are to be used, but People are to be loved ...
Be yourself......This is the only day we HAVE. Have a nice day and Best regards
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character;
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder...
God bless you; I hope you are having a wonderful day!
The Will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not PROTECT you.....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Email hoax: Lead in Lipstick Causes Cancer
Something to consider
Next time you go shopping for
This comes from someone
Who works in the breast cancer unit at
Mt. Sinai Hospital , in Toronto .
From: Dr. Nahid Neman
If there is a female you care anything about,
Share this with her. I did!!!!!
I am also sharing this with the males on my e-mail list,
Because they need to tell the females
THEY care about as well!
Recently a lipstick brand called 'Red Earth'
Decreased their prices from $67 to $9.90.
It contained lead.
Lead is a chemical which causes cancer.
The lipstick brands that contain lead are:
RED EARTH (Lip Gloss)
CHANEL (Lip Conditioner)
The higher the lead content,
The greater the chance of causing cancer.
After doing a test on lipsticks,
It was found that the Y.S.L. Lipstick
Contained the most amount of lead.
Watch out for those lipsticks
Which are supposed to stay longer.
If your lipstick stays longer, it is
Because of the higher content of lead.
Here is the test you can do yourself:
1... Put some lipstick on your hand.
2.. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.
3.. If the lipstick colour changes to black,
Then you know the lipstick contains lead.
Please send this information to all your girlfriends,
Wives and female family members.
This information is being circulated at
Walter Reed Army Medical Centre
Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer,
Especially breast cancer
So beware of false claims...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Kids Are Quick
TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America.
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America?
CLASS: Maria.
TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.
TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
(I Love this kid)
TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.
TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I'.
MILLIE: I is..
TEACHER: No, Millie....... Always say, 'I am'.
MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet'.
TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
TEACHER:Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE: No, sir. It's the same dog.
TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Two Choices
What would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice?
At a fund raising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its
dedicated staff, he offered a question:
'When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection.
Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do.
Where is the natural order of things in my son?'
The audience was stilled by the query.
The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.'
Then he told the following story:
Shay and I had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, 'Do you think they'll let me play?' I knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but as a father I also understood that if my son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.
I approached one of the boys on the field and asked (not expecting much) if Shay could play. The boy looked around for guidance and said, 'We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning.'
Shay struggled over to the team's bench and, with a broad smile, put on a team shirt. I watched with a small tear in my eye and warmth in my heart. The boys saw my joy at my son being accepted.
In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three.
In the top of the ninth inning, Shay put on a glove and played in the right field. Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as I waved to him from the stands.
In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again.
Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base and Shay was scheduled to be next at bat.
At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?
Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball.
However, as Shay stepped up to the plate, the pitcher, recognizing that the other team was putting winning aside for this moment in Shay's life, moved in a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least make contact.
The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed.
The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shay.
As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.
The game would now be over.
The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman.
Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game.
Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the first baseman's head, out of reach of all team mates.
Everyone from the stands and both teams started yelling, 'Shay, run to first!
Run to first!'
Never in his life had Shay ever run that far, but he made it to first base.
He scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled.
Everyone yelled, 'Run to second, run to second!'
Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second, gleaming and struggling to make it to the base.
By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball, the smallest guy on their team who now had his first chance to be the hero for his team.
He could have thrown the ball to the second-baseman for the tag, but he understood the pitcher's intentions so he, too, intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third-baseman's head.
Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the runners ahead of him circled the bases toward home.
All were screaming, 'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay'
Shay reached third base because the opposing shortstop ran to help him by turning him in the direction of third base, and shouted, 'Run to third! Shay, run to third!'
As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams, and the spectators, were on their feet screaming, 'Shay, run home! Run home!'
Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate, and was cheered as the hero who hit the grand slam and won the game for his team
'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.
Shay didn't make it to another summer. He died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making me so happy, and coming home and seeing his Mother tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!
We all send thousands of jokes through the e-mail without a second thought, but when it comes to sending messages about life choices, people hesitate.
The crude, vulgar, and often obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion about decency is too often suppressed in our schools and workplaces.
If you're thinking about forwarding this message, chances are that you're probably sorting out the people in your address book who aren't the 'appropriate' ones to receive this type of message Well, the person who sent you this believes that we all can make a difference.
We all have thousands of opportunities every single day to help realize the 'natural order of things.'
So many seemingly trivial interactions between two people present us with a choice:
Do we pass along a little spark of love and humanity or do we pass up those opportunities and leave the world a little bit colder in the process?
A wise man once said every society is judged by how it treats it's least fortunate amongst them.
You now have two choices:
1. Delete
2. Forward
May your day, be a Shay Day.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Nice Surprise
The hour before the lecture, I was having a big struggle in whether I should attend or not. The topic and the lecturer was not interesting enough to attract my attention, what interested me is the venue. My discriminating mind was working. Finally, at the last minute, I decided to go, just to show support for a worthy cause.
To my surprise, the lecture was very interesting and well presented. Jimmy's (the lecturer, Guo Gu) sense of sincerity, humor, and vividness was abundant. If I have known the lecture was that great, I would have asked many of my friend to attend.
Jimmy talked about different schools of Buddhism practice is analogy to different packaging to sell bottled water (to quench the thirst caused by greed, hatred and delusion), the essence is the same.
Yes, nowadays, everything is about packaging, without good packaging, the products are very likely to be undersold. With the right packaging and good substance, that is the formula to be successful in selling, even in Buddhism...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The beauty of life...
Washington Post wrote:
It was 7:51 a.m. on Friday, January 12, 2007 the middle of the morning rush hour. In the next 43 minutes, as the violinist performed six classical pieces, 1,097 people passed by. Almost all of them were on the way to work, which meant, for almost all of them, a government job...
When we find out it was Joshua Bell playing with a 3.5 million violin, we recognize the beauty of the music. People did not appreciate the music when it was an unknown musician playing.
We appreciate the beauty of life only when it is attached with a high price tag, covered with glamorous jewelery and recognized fame. Do we ever stop by to appreciate the beauty of breathe, of air, of cloud and rains...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Dance in the rain
It almost sounds too simple to feel important, but understanding the power of gratitude can change your life forever....
"When we choose not to focus on what's missing from our lives
but are grateful for the abundance that's present...
we experience heaven on earth."
So sit back, relax and turn up your speakers to enjoy our new 2 minute inspirational movie from Learning to Dance in the Rain. The words, the photographs and the music are beautiful!
Don't forget to pay it forward by sharing this email with friends, family, and co-workers. They'll thank you for doing it!
Just click here to watch:
Motivation in a
A Simple Truths Company
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Childhood friend died in a fatal car accident
Condolence to the Singh family...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Okra - The effective natural way to treat Diabetic.
Treatment For Sugar (Diabetic) -
Thank God for Lady Finger-or...."OKRA"

Please note that another name for Lady Finger (Bhindi ) is " OKRA ".
Last month in one of TV program I learnt of a treatment of Sugar (Diabetes). Since I am diabetic, I tried it and it was very useful and my Sugar is in control now. In fact I have already reduced my medicine.
Take two pieces of Lady Finger (Bhindi) and remove/cut both ends of each piece. Also put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces in glass of water. Cover the glass and keep it at room temperature during night. Early morning, before breakfast simply remove two pieces of lady finger (bhindi) from the glass and drink that water.
Keep doing it on daily basis.
Within two weeks, you will see remarkable results in reduction of your SUGAR.
My sister has got rid of her diabetes. She was on Insulin for a few years, but after taking the lady fingers every morning for a few months, she has stopped Insulin but continues to take the lady fingers every day. But she chops the lady fingers into fine pieces in the night, adds the water and drinks it all up the next morning. Please. try it as it will not do you any harm even if it does not do much good to you, but you have to keep taking it for a few months before you see results, as most cases might be chronic
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Please forward it to friends and Family.
More information in this tropic:
Saturday, July 4, 2009
How to treat bee stings
I just want to share this with you. It may come in handy.
It might be wise to carry a penny in your pocket while working in the yard.......... BEE STINGS !
A couple of weeks ago, I was stung by both a bee and hornet while working in the garden. My arm swelled up, so I went to the doctor. The clinic gave me cream and an antihistamine. The next day the swelling was getting progressively worse, so I went to my regular doctor. The arm was Infected and needed an antibiotic.The doctor told me - " The next time you get stung, put a penny on the bite for 15 minutes".
That night, my niece was stung by two bees. I looked at the bite and it had already started to swell. So, I taped a penny to her arm for 15 minutes. The next morning, there was no sign of a bite. We decided that she just wasn't allergic to the sting.
Soon, I was gardening outside. I got stung again, twice by a hornet on my left hand. I thought, here I go again to the doctor for another antibiotic. I promptly got my money out and taped two pennies to my bites, then sat and sulked for 15 minutes. The penny took the sting out of the bite immediately. In the meantime the hornets were attacking, and my friend was stung on the thumb. Again the penny.
The next morning I could only see the spot where the hornet had stung me. No redness, no swelling. My friend's sting was the same; couldn't even tell where she had been stung. She got stung again a few days later upon her back---cutting the grass! And the penny worked once again.
Wanted to share this marvelous information in case you experience the same problem. We need to keep a stock of pennies on hand.
The doctor said that the copper in the penny counteracts the bite. It definitely works!
Please remember and pass this information on to your friends, children, grandchildren .