Thursday, September 16, 2010

DDMBA-Sept 18 GCR - Great Compassion Repentance service

In case you are interested:

Dear Friend,

This is a gentle reminder of our monthly Sunday morning GCR Chanting Service which will be held at 154 Poyntz Avenue on Sunday September 19, from 10 am – 12 pm.

We invite all of our members to take part in the Morning Great Compassion Repentance Chanting every third Sunday of the month. Liturgies will be offered in Chinese, with English translation and explanation provided. This chanting session is an excellent opportunity for members to purify the mind, and thus deepen their regular meditation practice, in the presence of dedicated practitioners who have put sincere effort into learning and practicing the Chanting ceremony.

We hope to see you there.

With Joined Palms,

DDMBA Ontario


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