Sunday, April 4, 2010

How much do I know...

The other night my kids played a silly game. They asked one another a simple question: "Do you like A or B better?" The respondent had to answer as quick as possible with no or little thinking.

Silly questions like: "Do you like blank or white better", "Do you like romance or suspense movies?"

They asked me a few questions and I gave the answers as they expected, knowing the kind of person I was and being familiar with me.

Then they posted me this question: "Do you like rice or bread better?" I was stucked, I liked them both and could not pick a choice. It took me a long time to think and said: "I am indifference to both."

Few days later I told my mom this game and question. She surprised me by telling me that;" Of course you love bread much better. You eat spoonful of rice each day, and always give your rice to others. When it comes to bread, you can keep on eating until you are full."

She is right. Her perception is so true. How little do I know about myself or I should say: how little am I aware of my self.

The moral of the story is: being with myself all my life, I understand myself so little...

There are so many blind spots with our character and personality, it is only through the eyes of others (like a mirror) that we can discover our weakness and improve our strength.

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