Tuesday, June 1, 2010

DDMBA Ontario July 2010 2/3/5 Day Retreat

In case you are interested:

DDMBA Ontario July 2010 2/3/5 Day Retreat

Dear Friend,

DDMBA Ontario is pleased to announce that Chan Teacher Venerable Guo Xing will be coming to Toronto to oversee DDMBA Ontario’s 2/3/5 Day Retreat, starting from Friday July 9 to Wednesday July 14, 2010.

This year’s retreat will be held at Northumberland Heights Retreat Centre, a beautiful retreat centre in Cobourg nestled in woods, trails and pond , which provides the ideal natural and peaceful atmosphere in which to practice Chan.

What is unique about this Retreat is that it will be divided into two parts.( Each part can be taken separately or together):

2 Day Living Meditation Workshop - From Friday April 9 at 7 pm to Sunday April 11 at 7 pm
A workshop devoted to applying Chan to daily life and situations. Exercises will prepare practitioners to apply the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Body, Feelings, Mind, Dharmas) to daily situations. This workshop is especially designed to help meditation practitioners learn to take their practice beyond the sitting cushion and into everyday situations. It also provides a good foundation for 3 Day or longer retreat practice.

3 Day Meditation Silent Retreat - From Sunday April 11 at 8 pm to Wednesday July 14 at 2 pm
This retreat provides a great opportunity for beginning as well as experienced practitioners to settle the mind in silent mindfulness and deepen their meditation practice in a longer, more intense period. Activities will include sitting meditation, moving exercise, walking and other mindful practice periods. Dharma talks will also introduce aspects of Silent Illumination Practice.

**Please note that both parts of the retreat assume some familiarity with meditation or previous experience in meditation, such as a prior Introductory meditation class.

Each of the two events above can be attended INDIVIDUALLY or TOGETHER. The following are the prices to cover accommodation and meal costs for this retreat:

Option A: 2 Day Living Mediation Retreat alone: $120.00
Option B: 3 Day Meditation Silent Retreat alone: $180.00
Option C: Total 5 Day Retreat (combines Option A and B): $285.00

For more information or if you wish to sponsor an individual to attend this retreat, you may also contact meditation.dharmadrum@gmail.com for details.

To apply for the 5 Day Retreat, please visit our website at www.ddmba-ontario.ca/ and download the application. Completed applications can be sent to meditation@ddmba-ontario.ca.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to deepen your personal practice of Chan, as well as spread the benefits of your practice to those around you.

What: DDM Ontario 5 Day Retreat
When: Friday July 9 (7 pm) – Wednesday July 14 (2 pm)
Where: Northumberland Heights
795 Northumberland Heights Road,
Alnwick/Haldimand Township
Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4J8
Transportation: Carpool Can Be Arranged
Languages Used: Mandarin and English

With Joined Palms,

DDMBA Ontario


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