Thursday, March 4, 2010

Condelence to the Tang Family

Received the following email from my sister:

"Hi guys,

I got a letter from Lily (邓玲志)yesterday. She told me that her mom (曾姑良) passed away on Dec 15 last year. She died of a heart and intestinal cancer.

Lily said that during that time, a lot of past memories came back, which contained a lot of our shadows. She felt a lot of pain, because inside the memories buried a lot of stuff. But everyone needs to go forward, all the past can only be kept in the heart, only for reminiscing during one's quiet time. (这段时间,一切的往事又浮现於脑海。当然少不了你们的影子。 但心却很疼!因为当中夹雜很多很多东西。 不过,人需要向前走,往事也只能收于心底。 当夜阑人静的时候才再次回味吧!)

I feel really really bad. even though she was quite old, the last days of her life was rather lonely and (kind of, I think) miserable. I felt that she treated me like a daughter when I was young, and brought us a lot of good memories. We left HK and didn't have a chance to be kind to her. But such is life....

It was a bad time in my life, with my good friend from Montreal died during the same period. There are fewer and fewer people we crossed path with that truly meant something in our life, and hold us dear to their hearts. Let's treasure who they are and do more while we're still on this earth...

I just hope we'll all take a moment and remember her.



Our condolence to the Tang family.

May Mrs. Tang be reborn into a realm that is full of Bodhisattvas and Dharma.

May the Triple Gems be with her always.

Boundless blessings...



Lung Zhi 隆志 said...

We will miss 曾姑良 . My memories of her is few, but very positive.


Lung Zhi 隆志 said...

I do have many good memories of her. She is always so kind. Letting us play in their apartment. Taking us out to trips..... :(


Lung Zhi 隆志 said...

Hi Siblings,

Got a letter from Lily Tang from HK today. I sent her a card couple weeks back when I heard of the passing away of her mother. Thought I'll pass it along -

"Dearest Nancy & Keith,

Thanks for yr sympathy. So far I can't believe that she's gone, and it seemed as if she was still living in Tsimshatsui, doing exercise in Kowloon Park, and taking meals at Chinese Restaurants.

You know I really want to look for someone who could tell me how she is now?! Is she happy with my Dad since I dreamed of them together in some places. I wish they would be happy over there.

However, I'm so regret that both of us (mom & I) cannot understand each other and it seemed we have something between mom & I. I know that everthing is gone upon her leave. But I'm sure I'll miss her and love her forever! Actually she changed my life and gave me a lot of precious things; just like you and yr family which I never never forget how we spent our best times together in the childhood. This is more precious and valuable than any material wealth, right?

Please give my best regards to you all and especially to Uncle and Auntie. Thanks! Hope to see you soon.

Mar 2010"
